Sunday, July 14, 2013

Unit testing with Moq

If you're using C# at work and are a little serious about unit testing, then the Moq framework can be your friend. It's simple to use and will do the job for both classical TDDer or a mockist TDDer.

I find this blog although written a while now, still is great as a starting point to understanding and using Moq:

Referencing from the original blog, the following code completes the example so the mockist part is more correct and aligned with the real-world situation.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using EasyAssertions;
using Moq;

namespace MoqTest
    class MoqTesting
        static void Main()

        private static void Run()

        private static void ClassicalTdd()
            var newProduct = new Mock<IProduct>();
            newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Id).Returns(1);
            newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Name).Returns("Bushmills");


            var productRepository = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
                .Setup(p => p.Get(It.Is<int>(id => id > 0 && id < 6)))

            var productReturned = productRepository.Object.Get(1);

        private static void MockistTdd()
            var mockCache = new Mock<ProductCache>();
            var mockDatabase = new Mock<Database>();
            var mockProduct = new Mock<IProduct>();

                .Setup(c => c.Get(1))

                .Setup(d => d.Fetch(1))

                .Setup(c => c.Set(1, mockProduct.Object))

            ProductRepository sut = new ProductRepository(mockCache.Object, mockDatabase.Object);


    public interface IProductRepository
        List<IProductRepository> Select();
        IProduct Get(int id);

    public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
        private readonly ProductCache _cache;
        private readonly Database _db;

        public ProductRepository(ProductCache cache, Database db)
            _cache = cache;
            _db = db;

        public IProduct GetProduct(int id)
            var product = _cache.Get(id);
            if (product == null)
                product = Get(id);
                _cache.Set(id, product);
            return product;

        public List<IProductRepository> Select()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public IProduct Get(int id)
            return _db.Fetch(id);

    public class ProductCache
        public virtual IProduct Get(int id)
            return (IProduct)HttpContext.Current.Cache["product_" + id];

        public virtual void Set(int id, IProduct product)
            HttpContext.Current.Cache["product_" + id] = product;

    public class Database
        public virtual IProduct Fetch(int id)
            return new Product { Id = id };

    public interface IProduct
        int Id { get; set; }
        string Name { get; set; }

    public class Product : IProduct
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

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